The Owner of this 1940 Ford Sedan was sent to use by another restoration shop in town. My Gain! This was a great solid car.
It came to us with the chassis and drive line installed by the owner and it look really nice. All the parts had been
chemical dipped and e-coated prior to its arrival.
I started by block sanding everything and priming it with a high filler tinted primer. From there the body work began, fitting and gapping the body and filling any low areas. When the low areas were smooth, a few coats of polyester spray fill was applied to the entire project. This step, along with block sanding, insurers no body imperfections. When all has been sanded a second step of primer is sprayed then sanded.
With all the body prep complete it's time to paint. I started by spraying a blue base on the front end parts. This will be a pinstripe when the job is finished. When dry, the parts were assembled to the body and one half of the flame layout is taped onto the body. A pattern is made from this side and the second half is laid out. This makes a perfect mirror image side to side. With the flame design complete, I masked off the front flame area and sprayed the rear sections body color black. When dry, the black painted areas are covered and the flame painting begins.
For the flames a yellow pearl base was sprayed fading orange and red into the licks. All is then unmasked and the parts are ready 2 steps of clear coat. The graphic parts are cleared once and then sanded smooth, then a second clear coat is added for proper protection.
Doing graphics in this style insures that all the paint work is perfectly smooth and can NOT be damaged from polish or the elements.
Next the body received its prep for paint and the black base and clear coat. When all has been painted it can be sanded and polished. The owner was worried about scratching the finish during his final steps and decided to wait to polish. The body was assembled for delivery.
That's right! This is straight from the spray gun!
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