The owner of this 1939 Ford is a good friend. When he came to me to help pick out a color scheme for his new project, I came up with this subtle pewter and orange combination. He had kicked around the idea of throwing a flame job on it but he decides to wait until he racked up some miles. Thinking that if it got a few stone chips, the flame job would repair them.
As he and his son progressed with the project the flame job topic came up more and more.
Well as you can see, the flame job won. The owner and his son did this build at their shop. I just added my two cents if needed.
When it came time to paint the exterior, I laid out the two tone and his son pulled the trigger on the spray gun. I had been teaching him about paint and body for many years and he's become pretty good, I'm proud to say.
But when it came to laying out the flames and painting them, they turned to me.
I grabbed my stuff and we pulled an all nighter. The front clip was assembled to ensure all the graphics would line up properly and the front end was spayed in a bright silver base. Then I laid out the flame design. When all was masked and ready, A combination of five House of Kolors Kandys were used to fade in the flames. After dry, the flame sections were masked and the main body color was applied. With all the paint work complete, all was unmasked and the clear coat was sprayed. When dry, all was sanded smooth and a second stage of clear applied.
I applied the same steps to the air cleaner shortly after in my shop. The last picture shows it at the Detroit Auto Rama where it received top honors in it's class.
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